Hot Tub Streamers Have Reached a Boiling Point on Twitch
Many Twitch community members think Twitch has been lax about enforcing their 'vague' community standards, creating a gap for the rise of Hot Tub streams.
Published 3 years ago in Facepalm
In 2019, Twitch amended their guidelines for proper streaming attire instituting a rule that allows streamers to wear bathing suits if “it completely covers the genitals, and those who present as women must also cover their nipples.”
The rule used to apply only to streams taking place near pools or other bodies of water, however, a lax moderation of the rules by Twitch has created an entirely new mode of streaming, 'Hot Tub' chat.
And recently, the Twitch community has been debating the good and bad of this new trend.
Went on twitch and seriously got confused as too what app I was actually on....
— Nannersssss (@MsBananas_) March 27, 2021
What in the actual **** happened to twitch...?!
I really wanna know....
Now, while MsBanana makes a good point about the quality of content Twitch wants to support, the fact that hot tub streams don't seem to break Twitch's rules should answer that question for her.
If you think someone is breaking ToS report them and move on...
— Hillary "Pokket" Nicole (@Pokket) March 28, 2021
But in all honesty it seems like you're just slut shaming and tearing other women down, projecting your own insecurities and internalized misogyny on people who owe you absolutely nothing. Grow up. Get some help.
And please don't assume I'm a narc, these hot tub streams don't hold a flame to the YouTube yoga moms. If you know what I mean.
Im not insecure. I just dont feel it appropriate for a platform like this. but yeah im a woman hater cause im not a feminist who accepts this sexualization and has morals. I love women. i just feel like streaming should be more than sexualization and money. Bute that MY opinion.
— Nannersssss (@MsBananas_) March 28, 2021
So while yes, it's safe to say Hot Tub streams are pretty shitty, and there are better ways to engage with wet, naked women online, Twitch is never going to win here. Sorry, it's the internet, people want horny. But if you're worried about the over-sexualization of content on the world's premier live-streaming services, whose audience is mostly comprised of children, you're not alone, but you are a loser.
The screenshots from Ms. Banana's above tweet. Insert, "the absolute state of Twitch".